Sun will join the editorial board of Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science as an associate editor, a journal of which Professor Shaofan Li serves as editor-in-chief effectively on April 1st, 2018. Found by Professor Satya N. Atluri, CMES publishes original research papers of reasonable permanent value, in the areas of computational mechanics, computational physics, computational chemistry, and computational biology, pertinent to solids, fluids, gases, biomaterials, and other continua. Various length scales (quantum, nano, micro, meso, and macro), and various time scales( picoseconds to hours) are of interest. Papers which deal with multi-physics problems, as well as those which deal with the interfaces of mechanics, chemistry, and biology, are particularly encouraged. New computational approaches, and more efficient algorithms, which eventually make near-real-time computations possible, are welcome. Original papers dealing with new methods such as meshless methods, and mesh-reduction methods are sought.
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July 2023